



TTM's journey, started in September 2014 and concluded in November 2015, was characterized by the alternation of activities carried out by the promoters that included meetings and other workshop. In Italy ADN transmitted to today’s young adults the memories that some of their peers left behind when they had to face the First World War. Participants had the opportunity to become familiar with the History through the words of their peers who lived one hundred years ago. Through the emotions conveyed by the memories, the young adults then formed their own vision of the historical moment by producing an original piece of their own in return. A similar activity was carried out by the SL Association of Berlin; here the young adults had the opportunity of experiencing the memories of those who lived through the period of the Berlin Wall and the days of its fall. In this case the kids were able to confront themselves first hand with the direct statements and a few of the interviews carried out were used to produce a documentary. At the same time the young Portuguese adults participated in a series of workshops whereby the memories collected in Italy on the First World War, those collected in Germany over the period of the Berlin Wall and the local ones regarding the Carnations Revolution converged. The Portuguese kids then in turn re-elaborated their vision of the historical events with the use of a more miscellaneous language (photographs, written texts, illustrated panels and videos); a personal vision, gained during the course of the project and resulting from the analysis of collected documents and from the experiences gathered during the events of the exchange project.

The activities carried out in Italy were structured so as to achieve two objectives:

i) allow a group of young adults to get into emotional touch with other young adults, their peers, that 100 years ago lived in the trenches of World War I and that in those places they left us their memories;

ii) get the young adults to re-elaborate these memories through the use of miscellaneous languages and target them towards the new generations.

During the first phase the young adults gained an in-depth knowledge of the diaries selected as a basis for the project's activities (Sisto Monti Bozzetti, Oliviero Sandri, Giuseppe Manetti and Otello Ferri). Subsequently, they designed and created different forms of memory re-elaboration acquired and the emotions felt in reading the words of their peers involved in the First World War.

One fundamental principle was that of complete creative freedom and expression. The ADN introduced the various themes and assisted in the reading of the selected works but deliberately did not place any restrictions on the methods and languages used for the re-elaboration of the memories.

One of the goals of "Through the memories" was in fact that of conveying the immense amount of diaries to an audience that has never been reached before; to do this it was necessary to rely on the sensitivity of the young adults involved.

The workshops in Lisbon can be divided into four courses, aimed at the re-elaboration of memories of the First World War and the Fall of the Berlin Wall received from ADN and SL and to free, critical and creative reflections on the Carnations Revolution:

i) "Into the heart of memory" - Memory and hands-on photography: the activities were carried out by using a more hands-on method whereby the young adults were encouraged to produce photographic pieces aimed at sharing the experiences gained during the project's exchange events and of their vision of the surrounding context.

ii) "Writing across the wall" - Memory and autobiographical writing: autobiographical writing workshops whereby "diary entries" were written by the young adults during the Berlin 2015 event and elaborated during the following months starting with a series of simple questions: what do I know of the Berlin Wall? What do I not know? What would I really like to know? What do I think will never be told to me?

iii) "The place of memory" - Memory and Spaces of Memory: the space is not only what we see in reality but it is a gateway to understand the ways of society and to then get in touch with history through stories of individual people. With this in mind the young adults were asked to "reinvent history" through the metaphor of space, in other words to give their own interpretation of the historical events analysed in spatial terms.

iv) "Through the memories" - Memory and emotional resonance: meetings held with young psychology students based on the account of History through the statements of single individuals. During the first phase the young adults were given autobiographical texts received by ADN (regarding the First World War) and by SL (regarding the years of the Berlin Wall); subsequently the participants produced individual and collective re-elaborations of the memories and perceptions that they felt from these texts.

The German workshops were structured so that they could involve people that lived during the period of the Berlin Wall and when it fell. In the project's start-up phase SL association established a contact and held a series of meetings with a few organizations potentially interested in taking part in the TTM workshops. These preliminary activities helped organize two working groups to produce, select and represent the texts on the Berlin Wall:

- at AWO - Kreuzberd neighbourhood (in former West Berlin) a working group comprised of people who actually lived through the events taken into analysis and of young adults that spend time in the area was put together. The activities were articulated through a series of meetings whereby interviews were carried out between the young and the elderly. From the many hours of recordings carried out and stored the most significant passages were extracted and put together, resulting in a 15' film.

- even at M3 youth gathering centre, located in former East Berlin in the Marzahn Hohenschönhausen district, a working group was formed with the aim of collecting testimonies between the young and the elderly. Here the activities were heavily focused on intergenerational dialogue with particular attention to the analysis of the social consequences that the period of the Wall is still producing in contemporary Berlin.

Progetto cofinanziato dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito dello Stand 1 "European Remembrance" del Programma "Europa per i Cittadini"